Technical Articles
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Exact Simulation of LNAs Reduces Design Cycle Times
RF-35, LNA design, return loss, gain, noise
A 45W amplifier for 23cm
RF-35, power amplifier, LDMOS technology
Radar Antenna Design Engineers Require Cost-Effective Solutions for Their Antenna PCBs
Meteorwave M4000M, ADAS, PPE, Copper Foil, Insertion Loss
Microstrip-fed Wideband Circularly Polarized Printed Antenna
RF-35, symmetrical dipole, circular polarization, printed dipole antenna, slot antenna
보기 (Oct. 2010)
Mercurywave 9350 High Frequency, Low Loss resin system
Mercurywave 9350, insertion loss
In-silico hyperthermia performance of a near-field patch antenna at various positions on a human body model
RF-35, 434 MHz, RF hyperthermia treatment, near field, patch antenna
보기 (May 13, 2011)
Omnidirectional circularly-polarised microstrip patch antenna
RF-35, omnidirectional, circularly-polarised, CP, patch antenna
보기 (May 24, 2012)
Ultra-Wideband Antenna Array Design for Target Detection
TLC-30, UWB, planar antenna, 3.1 - 10.6 GHz
보기 (2012)
Retrodirective Rotman Lens Antenna
RF-60A, Rotman Lens antenna, 8 - 12 GHz
Planar High-Gain WLAN PCB Antenna (Strategies for Designing Microwave Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards Using Stripline Structures)
TLY, antenna gain, directive antennas, microstrip antenna, WLAN, 5.6-6.3 GHz
Considerations for EBG Loss in Antenna Applications
RF-35, 2.8 GHz slot antenna, EBG (electromagnetic band gap) structure
Circular and Elliptical CPW-Fed Slot and Microstrip-Fed Antennas for Ultrawideband Applications
TLC-30, circular, coplanar waveguide (CPW), elliptical, microstrip, slot, ultrawideband (UWB)
보기 (May 2006)
Miniaturization of microstrip patch antenna
TLY, microstrip patch antenna, electromagnetic bandgap substrate (EBG), 2.4 GHz
A Wideband Printed Dipole Antenna With Optimised Tapered Feeding Balun For ISM and FWA Bands
TLY, wideband antenna, printed dipole, tapered balun, low-Q antenna, ISM/FWA
Dual Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna, Reduced in Size by Use of Peripheral Slits
TLY, microstrip patch antenna, size reduction
Design optimisation of ring elements for broadband reflectarray antennas
RF-35, broadband reflectarray antenna
보기(Oct. 2003)
Microstrip Patch Antenna for GPS application
TLC-32, microstrip patch antenna, GPS
Design and Analysis of an Electrically Steerable Microstrip Antenna for Ground to Air Use
TLY, polarized microstrip antenna, 2.45 GHz, avionics
보기(May 2002)
Design and Development of Printed Antenna Remote Units for Optically Distributed Mobile Communications
TLX-8, bandpass filter, antenna remote unit, ARU
보기 (Dec. 1998)
Integrated Antennas for Millimetre-Wave Asset Tracking
Van Atta array antenna, mm-wave application, asset tracking, TLY-5
A Low Profile 77 GHz Three Beam Antenna For Automotive Radar
Automotive radar, microstrip patch antenna, TLY-5
Tri-Band RAT-Race coupler using resonators
TLX-8, resonator, rat-race coupler, tri-band, shaped structure
Multiband Pi-shaped Structure with Resonators for Tri-band Wilkinson Power Divider and Tri-band Rat-Race Coupler
TLX-8; 1 GHz, 1.5 GHz, 2.5 GHz, multiband, Pi-shaped structure, resonator, Wilkinson power divider, rat-race coupler
Complex Compensation of Coupled Line Structures in Inhomogeneous Media
RF-60A, coupler
Inductively compensated parallel coupled microstrip lines
RF-35, RF-60, coupled-line resonator, Marchand balun, microstrip, parallel coupled filter, parallel coupled lines
Environmental Aspects of PTFE Based Laminates in Relation to "Halogen-Free"
PTFE laminate, halogen-free, fluorine
Analysis and Design of Dual Band-Notched Interdigital Hairpin UWB Bandpass Filter
TLX-8; class AB power amplifier; dual-band; GaN HEMT; matching network; resonator
Transmission zeros origin and behaviour in a Microwave Transversal Filter based on Planar Technology
RF-60A, bandpass transversal filter,
Novel Compact Narrow-band Microstrip Dual-mode Resonator Filters for G3 Communication Systems
TLC-32, microstrip resonator, bandpass filter, UMTS,
HDI Multilayer
미크론 크기의 중공 실리카를 유지하는 저유전 상수 축적 재료의 특성
High Speed Digital
Best Materials for 3-6 GHz DESIGN
N4000-13SI, N4000-13
Lead-Free Soldering
PWB Dielectric Substrates for Lead-Free Electronics Manufacturing
N4000-29, lead-free assembly, IST
Evaluating Laminates for High Temperature Assembly
N4000-29, lead-free assembly, PCQR2, HATS
Dielectric/Laminate 특성분석
Measuring Dielectric Properties and Surface Resistance of microwave PCBs in the K-band
TLY-5A, TLC-32, DK, dielectric constant (ε), df, loss tangent (tanδ), temperature dependance, -50°C to +70°C
The Anisotropy of Dielectric Constant in TLY-5A Material
anisotropy, woven fiberglass, PTFE, Dielectric Constant, Er, TLY-5A, Bereskin
The Impact of Conductor Surface Profile (Rrms) on Total Circuit Attenuation in Microstrip and Stripline Transmission Lines
Rrms, ED copper, RA copper, reverse treated copper, microstrip, stripline, conductor loss
Effects of Surface Finish on HF Signal Loss Using Various Substrate Materials
Organic Solderability Preservative (OSP), Hot Air Solder Levelling (HASL), Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold (ENIG), and Immersion Silver on ceramid filled and unfilled woven glass PTFE laminates, and FR4
High Frequency Test Methods
1 MHz 2-fluid-cell test method, microstrip testing, "Bereskin" stripline test, full sheet resonance test method, X-band stripline resonator, modified stripline test, waveguide perturbation test method
Der Einsatz von Basismaterial aus PTFE
(the German original of the above)
Multilayer/RF Digital
Strategies for Designing Microwave Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards Using Stripline Structures
TSM-DS, fastrise27, TSM-30, RF-35A2, stripline, pad registration, dimensional stability, impedance fluctuation, fusion bonding, thermal ageing, z-axis expansion, reliability, Young's modulus
Trends in RF/Microwave & High Speed Digital and their effect on PCB Technology Requirements
TSM-30, fastrise
Numerical Investigation of Vertical Contactless Transitions for RF Circuits
This paper presents some concepts for contactless transitions between different planar transmission lines. These types of transitions are important for use in e.g. multi layer designs. Another important reason to avoid galvanic connections at RF is that they may generate passive intermodulation products (PIM), which can be a serious problem in multifrequency systems. The investigated transitions operate in the extended GSM 900 band (880-960) MHz.
Antiphase Design for Balanced Oscillators
TLX-0, oscillator, MMIC
수동상호변조 (PIM)
Current Progress in Phenomenology and Experimental Characterisation of Passive Intermodulation in Printed Circuits
passive intermodulation, PIM, base station antenna
Distributed Sources of Passive Intermodulation on Printed Lines
TLX-9, passive intermodulation, PIM, base station antenna, copper foil
Self-Induced Instability of passive intermodulation in microwave laminates
RF-30, passive intermodulation, PIM, base station antenna
Effects of interface conditions and long-term stability of passive intermodulation response in printed lines
TLX-8, TLX-9, RF-30, passive intermodulation, PIM, long-term stability, base station antenna
Passive intermodulation in printed lines: effects of trace dimensions and substrate
microstrip lines, passive intermodulation (PIM), forward PIM, reverse PIM
Experimental Observations of Distributed Nonlinearity in Printed Lines
PTFE laminate, pcb nonlinearity, passive intermodulation (PIM)
Mapping of Passive Intermodulation Products on Microstrip Lines
RF-30, microstrip lines, near field probing, nonlinearities, passive intermodulation (PIM)
Passive Intermodulation in Finite Lengths of Printed Microstrip Lines
RF-30, distributed nonlinearity, intermodulation distortion, passive intermodulation (PIM), printed circuits
Passive Intermodulation Generation on Printed Lines: Near-Field Probing and Observations
TLX-9, four-wave mixing, near-field probing, passive intermodulation (PIM), printed circuit board (pcb) material characterization, printed circuits
Transmission/Reflection Measurement and Near-Field Mapping Techniques for Passive Intermodulation Characterisation of Printed Lines
RF-30, PIM, soldered microstrip launchers, contactless microstrip launchers
Discrimination of Passive Intermodulation Sources on Microstrip Lines
TLX-9, RF-30, forward PIM
Effect of Laminate Properties on Passive Intermodulation Generation
Passive intermodulation (PIM), forward PIM, reverse PIM
Passive Intermodulation on Microstrip Lines
Passive intermodulation (PIM), forward PIM, reverse PIM
Radio Links
RF Radio Links and LMDS Communications - Module Technology, Status and Trends
T/R module, RF radio link, mixed dielectric multilayer, PTFE base material, LMDS communication, packaging
UWB Channel Sounding for Ranging and Positioning in Passive UHF RFID
RF-30, passive UHF RFID, tag antenna, reader antenna, 900 MHz
Semiconductors & PTFE
GHz Flip Chip - An Overview
TLY, GHz flip chip assembly
Wave Guide
Negative index media in microwave waveguide
RF-35, X-Band, microwave waveguide, negative index media, NIM
Wearable Antenna
The Performance of On-Body Wearable Antennas in a Repeatable Multipath Environment
TLY-3, 2.45 GHz, wearable antenna, WBAN, on-body channels, multipath fading, Higher Mode Microstrip Patch Antenna (HMMPA)
Compact slot-loaded patch antenna for 868 MHz Wireless Body Area Networks
TLY, ISM band, wireless body area network, WBAN, slot-loaded antenna
In Situ Measurement of UHF Wearable Antenna Radiation Efficiency Using a Reverberation Chamber
TLY-3, 2.45 GHz, bodyworn antenna, on-body communication, wearable antenna radiation efficiency, WBAN
Low-Profile Patch Antennas for Over-Body-Surface Communication at 2.45 GHz
TLY-3, RF-60A, body surface communication, shorted microstrip patch antenna (S-MPA), higher mode microstrip patch antenna (HM-MPA), 2.45 GHz
Antennas and Propagation Considerations for Robust Wireless Communications in Medical Body Area Networks
TLY-3, RF-60A, wearable antennas, radio propagation, wireless networking, channel characterisation, 2.45 GHz
Low-Profile Patch Antennas for Over-Body-Surface Communication at 2.45 GHz
TLY-3, RF-60A, body surface communication, shorted microstrip patch antenna (S-MPA), higher mode microstrip patch antenna (HM-MPA), 2.45 GHz